Friday, August 28, 2015

Preschool is Just a Walk in the Park!

We have had a wonderful Friday! 
We hope you have too!

Oh, and I snapped this picture yesterday afternoon! 
Hopscotch with circles. 
We counted every time we jumped! 

Have a great weekend!

He gives me peace. John 14:27

With Love, Mrs. Melea

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday Fun!

Sweet kiddos!

Yesterday afternoon Ashlynn asked if I could take a picture of her with Sarah's kitty and send it to her mom.
"That way her mom could get her one juuuuuust like it!" Haha!

Today we did some handwriting outside to "earn" some skittles....

I was answering Craftsy Chicks emails during free time. 
While I was sitting there these sweet boys were playing next to me.
I heard Edward, out of the blue, say " I love you, Gavin."
Without skipping a beat, Gavin said, "I love you too, Edward".
Then Eli chimes in and says "You both are my best friends".
Gah. I melted.
We want our boys to be tough on the outside, but sweet and mushy on the inside.

Picnic table conversation started out like this:
"When my daddy was a little girl........"
They definitely keep me laughing! 

Ham and Cheese sandwich on wheat bread (disguised as white), cheetohs, strawberries, and broccoli with ranch was on the menu today! With a glass of milk....

Do not forget to be kind to strangers, 
for by doing so, some people have 
Embraced angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 13:2

With Love, Mrs.Melea

Circle and the Color Blue Hunt.

Days like these are why my job is so awesome!
Don't get me wrong. I am absolutely exhausted by the end of the day,
But my days are rewarding.

Yesterday we enjoyed a fun activity at circle time.
We used a beach ball to throw to each child. When they caught it, they had to tell me something that was the shape of a circle! We had some awesome answers! From wheels on a car to raindrops! 

 I then gave them each a blue pipe leaner. We practiced making shapes with them. 
Then we made them into bracelets, in the shape of circles! This may seem small, but their 
Little hands and minds were working hard. Hand eye coordination and fine motor skills were being used!

We then went on a walk down the street. We were on a shape and color hunt for circles and the color blue! We found circles EVERYWHERE! The color blue was a little harder to find. 

Circles were on Mrs Melea's car:

On the fire hydrant down the road:
(We talked about how Adlyn's daddy was the fire chief and why we use these!)

The newspaper in the neighbor's driveway had a blue plastic cover! We talked about why 
It had a cover on it:

Even the meter in Mrs Robyn's yard had the most circles on it!

The kids loved going for a walk and pointing out all the circles and blue things! 

Today we used our smart tv to look up our numbers, letters, and some cool videos on the color blue and the circle shape. This is probably my older kids' favorite way to learn!

Their favorite is the "number song". It has a great beat that you can't help but dance to!

I hope your days are as glorious as ours! 
By the way, every morning we say a prayer, thanking God for 
Our sweet family and friends. That means YOU!

Most of all let love guide your life. Col.3:14

With Love, Mrs Melea

Monday, August 24, 2015

Friday and Monday Recap!

Again, the weather has been glorious!
I hope your weekend was great!

I had a rough Friday afternoon and Saturday.
I had to say goodbye to my girls for the longest 
I have ever had to. We are thinking it will be at least
3 weeks without seeing them. 
I don't like it. Not one bit.
I am so extremely proud of them though!
I have to remember that.

Also, thank you for being so understanding of the early
close time on Friday. That very rarely happens! 

Our Friday here at the preschool was awesome! 
These kiddos have became fast friends.

Most generally on Thursdays and Fridays we will have our one on one time. 
I will bring them up to the table with me, all by theirselves, and we will 
Go over our numbers, letters, and we will work on our handwriting skills. 
We will use a variety of different ways to go over these things. Friday we used the iPad.
I also wrote their names out on a paper, cut the letters out, and put it in a bag. They had to
Spell out their name. Most needed a little help, but that is to be expected! We spelled them out loud 
Several times. This would be a great thing to do at home!

Once I was done with our one on one time, I looked over and saw this:
Talk about LAUGH OUT LOUD! hahaha! They are so funny!

Today has been a good day as well.
The kids earned a sticker right after breakfast for ZERO spills at the table! 
After many spills last week, I was not above bribery! We have learned to 
Always put your cup ABOVE your plate. Always drink with 2 hands and watch closely 
As you sit your cup down. Oh, and we don't use siippy cups!! Here they are showing you their stickers!
Lunch was a success too! They each earned 5 skittles for no spills at the table!

This week we are learning the color blue and the shape of circle.
We learned 2 new songs today. When you get home, ask them to sing their new songs to you!

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but 
Of power, love, and self discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

With Love, Mrs. Melea

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Gettin' Dirty = FUN!

What a beautiful day! 
The weather has been PERFECT! 

So perfect that we had circle time outside!!
Miss Everley is holding our "Good Morning" book we read!
It has only been 3 1/2 days, but I have fallen in love with these sweet kids! 
I love them all! They are all so precious and sweet.

Crazy faces!

We came in and worked on some hand writing. 
We worked on holding our pencils correctly,
Pushing down where we can see the pencil marks, 
And for my bigger kids, we practiced writing our names 
By ourselves. For the smaller guys, we do hand-over-hand writing.
It may look like a lot of scribbling, but they are using so many different skills!

Then it was time for another Bug Hunt! 
Then they dissected them....or "chopped their heads off" as my boys called it. 

The rain left some standing water outside.
They ALWAYS find it. 
I have learned to let it go. 
They will wash and they will dry.

The girls whipped up some yummy sand and rock soup! 
Mmmmm. My fave!

I asked Ivy if I could take her picture. She said " I want to take one with you!"
Done, sweet girl.💕

Edward loves to make funny faces at me!

Sarah wore her glasses today! 
She looks so grown up in them!

I could hardly get Gavin to stand still for this! 
That boy had things to do this morning!

Sweet Everley is a natural in front of the camera! 
Those eyes though! Gah!

Jace loves the sandbox. 
If you need him, this is where he will be!

Jaxon was in Heaven! Water and sand TOGETHER! 
I just saw him running from one end of the playground 
To the next with this smile!

"Adlyn, can I take a picture of you?"
"Take one wif mah frands." 
She is absolutely, adorable.

Eli was mixing up some "lake" water for his monster trucks 
To do flips in! 

Ashlynn and her yummy, delicious rock soup. 

Preschool has been great this week! 
Thank you for letting your child come hang with me!!💟

Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5

With Love, 