Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful week celebrating Christmas!
I wanted to share some pictures of our fun party day!

After breakfast we started working on our reindeer food!
The kids enjoyed scooping and mixing their own.

In the middle of making our reindeer food, we 
had a special guest arrive! The kids were SOOO

The first thing they had to show him was "his" elf, 
Jolly, hanging from the lantern! Santa recognized him!

We had to start right into letting Santa know what 
we wanted to see under the tree! 

(Parents, you are welcome to right click and save
whatever pictures you'd like!)

This is me and my WHOLE group!
 I am so happy to have this picture! It took 
a few shots to get everyone looking at the camera.

We always sing a song to Santa before he leaves.
This year the kids wanted to sing TWO songs.
They picked Santa Claus is Coming to Town 
and Jingle Bells. 

Then it was time for Santa to go visit other kids. 
We hated to see him go!

We REALLY didn't want him to go! Haha!

Did you know Santa drives a red truck?!

Then it was time to open presents!
All the kids were so sweet and LOVED their presents!

That afternoon, we had a birthday party for Jesus!
I have always taught my kiddos the real meaning of Christmas.
Yes, we do Santa and Elf on the Shelf, and all the fun stuff, but I try 
very hard to put most of the emphasis on the birth of our Savior.
Each child had their very own cupcake with a birthday candle!
We sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and blew out our own candles! 
The kids thought this was AWESOME!

After our birthday party for Jesus, I had a special surprise 
at the door! One of my Giggles & Grins Alumni, Alex,
came to see me! He was as tall as me!! I love it when past 
students come to see me!

Merry Christmas to you all!
Please remember:

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween Fun Day!

Happy Halloween!
We had a wonderful week of fun!
Yesterday was filled with 
cuteness and laughter! 
Check out these sweeties:

After our "photo shoot"
we played some fun games.
We picked partners and made 
each other into mummies!
But they laughed and laughed!

Mr Jaxon was my partner.
We both quickly decided we would rather
watch the mayhem than to participate!
Too much craziness for us!

Then we did another little game that I 
do every year. 
I told a little spooky story about a man 
named Sam. We had food props to resemble 
the feeling of body parts.
Before I even began the story I said
at least 5 times that the story

Oh my gosh.
This group seriously had me cracking 
up at how funny they reacted!
Let me just say that the girls
may have been the bravest!

The pickles were his toes,
carrots were his fingers,
spaghetti noodles were his intestines,
and the olives were eyeballs.
No worries.
After the story ended we looked in 
the bowls and saw the food. 
Some even ate his "eyeballs".
So funny. Love those kiddos.

Adlyn Mae brought everyone a neat bucket 
for the occasion! Our parents did not disappoint
on the candy giving!

This whole week was full of fun books and crafts! 
I took some random photos for you:

I hope you all have a wonderful time
enjoying your kiddos at this time.
Before you know it they will be grown and gone!
I will leave you with one of my favorite Halloween
pictures of my girls: 

So be truly glad,
there is wonderful joy ahead.
1 Peter 1:6

With Love, Mrs Melea