Thursday, January 7, 2016

Happy Thursday!

Good afternoon!

I am recapping Wednesday and Thursday!

Yesterday was a fun day!
We tore out the PLAYDOUGH!
You would have thought it was Christmas morning!

Play dough is probably one of the best activities to build
fine motor development. It strengthens all the tiny hand
muscles and tendons that are needed for holding a pencil
and using scissors.

I love to watch the different ways they play with it.
The girls were making cookies and things to "eat"
while the boys were "chopping" and "cutting".

Most Thursdays and Fridays, I devote to one on one time with each child. 
We do our alphabet and number flashcards and do individual handwriting. 

We all worked hard today!

During Gavin's one on one time, I had him sound out his 
"f" words. He didn't even stutter. He read them like they were
nothing! I knew he was on his way to reading easily, but today 
he confirmed it! This doesn't mean he can go read Shakespeare
or anything, but he is definitely reading LOTS of words!
Super proud of him! Way to go!

These flash cards are out where the kids can get them during 
free time. They are very popular! I was given these a few years
back from a sweet preschooler and his momma, Roper and Lindsay
Turner. I absolutely love them! The kids play "Mrs Melea" a lot 
during free time. 

A couple of good books for the letter "F"....

Then we went on an "F" hunt. Since our last name is Fry,
we have lots of F's in our house. The kids found each of them.
We headed down the hallway and found these in Rhett's room!
F is for FISH! Although they were more impressed with
Spongebob and Squidward's houses than the actual fish!! haha!

Love these sweet kiddos. We missed Sarah today!

I came across this pin on Pinterest and loved it.
I thought I would share.
Who knows, maybe one of you needed it today?

Having hope will give you courage. Job 18:11

With Love, Mrs Melea

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