Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year!

Hey y'all!
woo hoo!
Can you tell what one of my New Year's Resolutions is?!
I can't promise I will be able to do this everyday, but I'm going to
try my hardest!

During circle time we, of course, went over our letters, numbers, counted,
etc. but we also went around telling our very favorite Christmas gift. It
sounds like they all had a wonderful Christmas!

We started off the 2nd part of the school year with a sweet book:

I love books that have a CD that reads it! It has sound effects and 
different voices really keeps the kids engaged!Afterwards 
we went around the circle telling what we would like our New Year's 
Resolution to be! Alot of them wanted to "help their moms" with various
chores. We had one child that wanted to start a garden! So cute!

After our book we worked on our classwork. We just did a little 
worksheet introducing the "F" sound.

Gosh, they are cute! Aren't they?!

I hope you had a fabulous holiday! I enjoyed every second of it!
My house was FULL! I love it when my kids are all home under
one roof! I was in HEAVEN!

And this cutie pie. We had a wonderful time
with sweet friends on New Year's. Much needed.

 If you need me, after Rhett's ballgame, I will be in 
my bed with my jammies on watching this:

Don't judge. 

I am loving this verse right now. It just might need to be my
go to verse:

Rise up, take courage and do it. Ezra 10:4

With Love, Mrs.Melea

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