Tuesday, January 5, 2016

F is for FISH.

Another great day at preschool!

We learned all about FISH today!
Look at our cool FISH crafts we made:

I love watching them work so hard.
Their little hands working away. 
Soak these pictures up. 
They will be teenagers WAY too soon.

Another good book this morning!
We laughed and laughed at 
The Pout Pout Fish!

We had a special guest after nap today!
Gavin's kitty, Carol, rode underneath their car 
today ALLLLLL the way to town! Haha!
Gavin's mommy saw her and needed
her to stay with us until she got off work.
The kids were so excited!

We took Carol outside with us to let her go potty.
She may or may not have gotten an impromptu bath
in the sandbox full of melted ice water.
Disclosure: No animals or children were hurt during this time.

Thank you for letting Carol come play today, Gavin!

I hope your day was fabulous!
Ours sure was!

This is the day that the Lord has made. 
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

With Love, Mrs. Melea

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