Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome to Preschool Beckett!

I apologize that my posts are few and far between.
Do you ever just have one of those days.....or weeks?
My intentions are good.

I want to take this opportunity to WELCOME one handsome little boy!
This picture is a little blurry- but he has GORGEOUS eyes!

Welcome to preschool, Beckett!
And I just love his name, don't you?!

I told him to make a silly face:

My picture taking abilities have apparently gone by the wayside this week.

I did get to capture our monthly "Tornado Drill":
Of course while wearing our Crazy Faces!

They get a kick out of it!

With our monthly Fire Drill today also,
We spent a lot of extra time today talking about fire safety.
It wasn't planned.
For some reason they were really curious today!
But if they are asking questions...
I take the opportunity to answer them!
We even acted out fire scenarios!
That was pretty fun!

I have failed as a preschool teacher because the little guys fell asleep
before I could snap a photo of them!
I will take DOUBLE of them tomorrow!

So sorry.

But I did go to the Carroll County Fair last night and was able to sneak
another picture of our craft display. I thought I would share it with you!

By the way,
I love your kids.
Just thought I'd throw that out there!

Have a great afternoon!

With Love, Miss Melea

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