Monday, May 16, 2011

What a Great Day to Learn and Play!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Mine was full of basketball.
From dawn to dusk.

We started on the letter Xx this week.
What a hard letter!
Here are the kids doing their letter
recognition worksheet...

Tatum brought her butterflies today!
What a cool thing to share! 
The kids were fascinated with them!

Poor Tatum had to run from a "mob"!
She was quite popular with her butterflies!

Vivi refused to pose for me.
Amy, is this the Vivi YOU know?lol.
By the way, Vivi has baby puppies at her house!
Great Dane puppies!

Dane was making "cake" outside!
He is so good to share his cake!
I ate the WHOLE pan!

Gavin was all smiles...
as usual!

He has learned to pull up the edge of the blanket
to pull the grass and dirt!

handsome Grady played some ball today...

Cadyn is all poses today!

Here is trouble in a pack of 3! haha!

I'm so ready for some of that super warm weather again!
How about you?!

With Love, Miss Melea

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