Monday, May 23, 2011

Rain? AGAIN????!!

How do you like the weather?

That's what I think about it.
I will be happy about how beautiful and green
everything will be though!

Saying prayers for those in Joplin today.

I wanted to show this picture of Vivi I had
snapped of her peonies she shared Friday!
Aren't they BEAUTIFUL??!!

We practiced HARD this morning for our program!
Hence the NO work going home today!
We practiced until I started seeing lots of
YAWNS and mumbles of the songs!

Then we thought we'd better get outside and QUICK!
So that is what we did.

Hudson and Dane's favorite spot to cook:

Might I add that they make THE best sand pies EVER! 

Kasen and his dump truck.
They seldom ever part.

Ummm...I think yellow is definitely Vivi's color...
Absolutely gorgeous!
Sweet kids.
Goofy kids.

Makes me sad that I only have a few Mondays left with some of these faces.:(

To those of you who are sickly-
We hope you get to feeling better!

With Love,
Miss Melea

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