Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pictures x 2 Days! / Two Days Worth....

I was a little too busy to post yesterday!
But I took a few shots of our Tuesday!

We started off our day with some music and
playing with our colorful bouncy balls!
We then practiced writing our names and our X's.
FYI-Since we are getting ready for our graduation
program, our take home work will be minimal!

Mr Gavin aka Ladies Man...
( sorry-blurry )

Dane working on his Xylophone..

Ta Da! Great Job Vivi!

Great Work Cadyn!

Beautiful Dane!

Our Tuesday was great!

Look at what I saw when I got to school THIS morning:

Micah, don't you LOVE this?
I'm assuming one of the kids put this hat on Gavin-
but isn't it hilarious?!
Sweet boy.

After we did our worksheet, we made sure and
made some good time outside!

Just in case you were wondering why your nose
itches EVERY morning around 9am..
its because YOUR kids say a prayer for you!
They truly thank God for you every. single. day.
Isn't that awesome?

With Love, Miss Melea

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