Friday, May 6, 2011

If MOMS were FLOWERS, I'd pick YOU!

What a wonderful Friday!
We only had a handful of kids this morning!
With Kindergarten Registration,
a case of pink eye,
4 cases of poison sumac (really?
which I hope is all gone,
thanks to Miss Kathy's bravery!),
this preschool looked like a GHOST town!

That didn't keep us from enjoying the day!

Tatum brought kittens to share with everyone!
They were a HUGE hit!
Excuse the blurry pics.
There was LOTS of movement! lol.

We then enjoyed some "Mommy" related books..... 
Then it was time to make our Mother's Day surprises!

We so hope you like them!
Don't worry. Those of you whose kids missed today,
you will get yours Monday! 

I am so thankful for all you moms!
We love you very much!

I never knew the love of a mother,
until I became one myself.

With Love, Miss Melea

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