Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Great Day for .....Break-dancing?

We've had a GREAT day so far!

We started the day off right,
with a little dancing to "Tootsie Roll".
Lane taught us how to break dance!

In honor of the letter T,
We TRACED our big trucks and dinosaur cards!

Then we went to watch some TRACTORS on youtube...

and some TIGERS!
The kids LOVE looking stuff up on the computer!

Pretty girl.

Vivi and Kasen.....

"The Gang"
(notice Cadyn's CHEESE! face)

I am admitting to NOT getting a picture of Gavin today.
I get the Bad Aunt Award for the day.
I really thought I had snapped a photo of him today...
Don't I always?!
Take 100 pictures of this adorable little boy?
Nope. Not today.
So here is one of my favorites to make up for it...
We love our parents!
(That is YOU!)
We pray for you EVERY single morning!
Along with the cats, and dogs, and trees, and deers, and
my favorite of Roper's...
"Dear Lord, Thank you for my dangerous knives"!
Have a great afternoon!
With Love, Miss Melea

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