Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Beautiful Windy Day!

What a great day!
I am posting early because I have to take
my daughters for their driving test.....again.
Don't even ask how many times they have taken it!
They actually studied THIS time! lol!

So.....here is how our morning has went...
A little Easter book to read.

Then a little craft.
A bird's nest with a little chick in it!
The kids loved it!
Hope you do too!
We put alot of work into it!

Then OUTSIDE we went!
It is too beautiful to be inside!

Gavin slept through the whole thing!

Kasen brought some Easter books to share! 
Roper brought a really cute book to share!

Thanks for all your sweet comments about my post yesterday!
I hope the kids received it well.
But most importantly, I hope they REMEMBER it!:)

Wish Kaitlin and Kodee luck today!
And STAY OFF THE ROAD if you see them coming!
Or better yet, the sidewalk may not be safe either! haha!

With Love, Miss Melea

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