Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Welcome to Preschool, Jace, Sarah, Ivy, Adlyn, and Everley!!

What a glorious first 2 days of preschool!
We have welcomed Sarah, Jace, Ivy, Everley and Adlyn Mae!
They have done amazing! 
This group has quickly became best friends!!

We were having so much fun during circle and school time, we ran out of time to swim.
A popsicle helped cool us down outside, though!

Everyone did amazing at circle time! We learned new songs and played some games! 
Then it was time for a little schoolwork. 
This week we are working on our names. Recognition and spelling were our focus today! They all sat so well and paid attention! I was VERY happy!!

We had a busy morning, so it didn't take long for this to happen:

This morning we had a fun circle time! We did some schoolwork outside! I had written their names on the concrete in chalk. They had to go find their name and trace it to earn" some skittles!
They did great!

Preschool teacher fail #6,754,230:
I have spelled EVERLEY's name wrong

So fun! 
Then it was swim time and find big crazy bug time!!

Sweet kiddos! 

Train up a child in the way he should go, 
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

With Love,
Mrs. Melea 

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