Saturday, February 15, 2014

Be My Valentine.

A super fun week of learning and loving.

We worked on our Valentine Bags.
After all, Jesus is our #1 Valentine!

We snuck in some learning of the Letter K this week too.
Ya'll, this snow and ice stuff has gotten us a bit behind!
We love to do our handwriting on our dry erase boards
that Cadyn's grandma gave us!

Thank you Lord for the wonderful sunshiney days this week!

Our Valentine's Day morning started off with pink heart pancakes!
Then a dance party with balloons.....

that ended up outside.

I made out like a bandit.
I always feel loved,
but today was extra special.
We went around the lunch table and told
each other what we love most about them.
Many of them said that they
"love when I give them kisses".
Gah. Love that.
Then one of the little guys said,
"I love it when you feed me food."
My sweet gifts:
Flowers and chocolate Galore!

Here are the kiddos with their special
Valentines and their boxes.


Axton brought some awesome robots to share. 

Emmalyn and her momma made a huge heart
shaped rice krispy treat.
And brought me this cute gift:
It is browine mix with a spatula that says
"Shooting for some Brownie Points"
so stinking cute!

Cadyn's sweet gift:
It says,
"It takes a Big Heart to Help Shape Little Minds"

After our hearty snack,
we passed out our Valentines.
The kids really enjoyed giving out their own.

We had a great day!
I hope all of you were shown the love you deserve.
My main men took me out to a steak dinner.
I even wore heels and my heart necklace!
I am looking forward to some great sunny days next week!
Hopefully a day or two at the park!
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy,
it does not boast, it is not proud.
It does not dishonor others,
it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices
with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Love Never Fails....
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
With Love, Mrs Melea

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