Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer Lovin'

Happy Summer!
We did a little swimming today.
It always makes the morning go by fast!

This was snapped after clean up and popsicles!

I gor a sweet surprise this morning!
I was told the flower shop tried to get ahold of me
on Saturday, but I'm not sure where
I was on Saturday!
I was told I was in my bed most of the day.
I will take their word for it!
But this SO helped me feel better today,
Tayleigh and Hudson for the sweet
and thoughtful act of kindness!
Made my day!

This, too, was a sweet surprise last week right after
my surgery. Made me smile.
Thank you to those of you who said a little prayer for this weenie.
God took care of me again.
He's cool like that.

With Love, Ms Melea

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