Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Wednesday!

Hey y'all!
Hope your day was great! Ours was!
Here is our good lookin' group today:

Got dirt?

There was even a cowboy in the house!

I wanted to brag on my girls a little!
They participated in the Elite Individual Camp
at Southwest Baptist University the past 2 days
and this is what they brought home:

Pretty proud of them.
They are such good girls!

I think this little guy is going to lose his
eyesight from so much xbox!
Don't worry,
Only AFTER he does his chores
and shoots a few hoops!

Love my little family!

Just a friendly reminder:
God is so good.
He is always there for you.
He always takes care of you.
What do YOU do for HIM?

With Love,
Ms Melea

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