Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Welcome to Preschool, William!

Welcome Mr William to Giggles & Grins!
He has had a WONDERFUL day!
He is joining in the fun like he's been here all along!
He's played and played and played.

His favorite things to do today have been digging
in the rocks and riding in the cars.
I am so glad we get to hang out!

What a beautiful day today!
We got outside as soon as possible today!
We even had circle time outside!
So much fun.

We brought out some activity books and crayons
and did a little work.
Not much, but a little.

Gavin even wanted to do some!

Sweet Adria and her beautiful smile.

This group was having fun digging in the rocks!

Handsome boys.

Sweetie Pie, Roper.

We hope your day was as fun as ours!
I hope you were able to get out and enjoy this
gorgeous sunshine!

With Love, Ms Melea

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