Friday, September 23, 2011

A Wonderful Friday!

I thought I would start off with the little guys today,
Since I always start with the preschool class!

Look who is walking!
Both our babies are walking!

Great job Gavin!
He is still a little wobbly-
but it wont be long until he will be running faster than us!

This sweet guy is walking too!
But he was too happy in the middle of the rocks to make him get up!

Sweet Eli.

Cadyn and Beckett.
Cutie pies. 

I should have grabbed Eli to be with this bunch!

We had show n tell today.
Lots of cool toys!

Just picked up to go outside...

After I took the picture,
I looked over and this is what I found:


We then did our handwriting....

Some wanted to do it inside:

And some wanted to write outside:

Have a GREAT weekend!

With Love,
Ms Melea

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