Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bb is for BABY! Welcome Gavin Daley Tharp!

What a wonderful week it has been! The greatest blessing I have had this week is getting to hang out with this guy:
Isn't he precious?! This is my new little handsome nephew, Gavin Daley! We have had to adjust to new routines, him and I, both. But I believe we are going to do just fine! The kids just absolutely LOVE him! By the way, if you see his momma, give her a big hug! She sure is having a hard time leaving him! We all understand that!:)

Today has been a great day! The little ones were enjoying some free time......

 I love Vivi's face in this picture! Roper is such a little ham!

Kasen was working on his horse. It was broken....
 Grady was working so hard! He was running his train through the automatic car wash!
 Cadyn was chillin' out!
 My kids were enjoying some dress up time after Ms Yvonne came to visit for our weekly Manners Class!

 This week, we are learning about the letter Bb and the # 2. These are some of the books we've been reading: Barfburger Baby......
 Bear's First Winter........
 We played with the BALLS! We BOUNCED and BOPPED them BACK and forth to our BUDDIES!
 And even played some BASKETBALL!
Our sight word for this week is "be". Appropriate, huh?! If you and your kids are out and about- have them point out the letters and sight words!

Thank you for all your encouragement this week. It feels good to hear how appreciated you are! Miss Kathy and I appreciate you!

~With Love, Miss Melea~

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