Thursday, May 19, 2016

Kindergarten Tour Fun Day 2016

This is my TENTH year.
My 10th preschool class.
I cannot believe it.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a 
little emotional putting their new
Giggles & Grins Tshirts on them 
this morning.

We had a fabulous morning, though.
The kids were so excited they couldn't hardly 
contain themselves!

Every year,  I start this morning off 
with a funny book called
"Are You Ready for Kindergarten, Stinky Face?"
The kids loved it.

Then we headed down the street to wait for the bus.
I warned the kids that we would be taking LOTS of
pictures. Ahem. LOTS.

The bus finally came!
It was for sure their favorite part
of the morning!

We sang 
"The Wheels on the Bus"
on the way there.
It seemed appropriate.

Once we got off the bus,
Gavin's mommy was there to greet us!
We will have to get used to calling her
Mrs Tharp.
That will take some practice.

Don't they look so big? 

We saw William in his class!
Mrs Melea was so happy to see him!
He has grown so much!

Ms H showed us some cool games
she plays in her room.

We even got to help a class do their spelling words!

Dr Summers, the superintendent
gave us high fives through the halls!
He was "super cool".

We thought kindergarten was a neat place
and we are excited to go there!

Every year I take this day to make it special for my 
graduates. After the tour we always go to the park
for play time and then off to Jim's Drive In
for a yummy lunch!
Don't forget the ice cream!

We decided that we are ready for kindergarten,
but the true question is:


I want to take take this time to give a huge thank you to the parents of the graduates. Really, all my parents. I am so thankful for your trust in me. I truly hope you know how much your children mean to me, as well as the friendships I have developed with you over the past few years. I will miss visiting with you and seeing you on a daily basis! Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

With Love, Mrs Melea

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