Monday, February 15, 2016

This & That.

I thought I would play a little catch up with my blogging!
Y'all, I am busy!
From basketball to Craftsy Chicks to life, I am having
a hard time finding, well, TIME! haha!

Snow days!
If we are stuck inside, we make a mess! And it is totally okay!

The letter "I" was a fun one!

All dressed up and no place to go! Lol!

We had a fun time with big bowls full of ICE for the letter I!

We observed a melting glass of ice
and even froze some water!

A little coloring...

I am missing those twins of mine.
I like to send them little packages of their favorite 
candy and gum and maybe a little cash....
I think they like getting them too.

I have a few more posts to catch up! Stay tuned!

With Love,
Mrs Melea

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