Thursday, August 27, 2015

Circle and the Color Blue Hunt.

Days like these are why my job is so awesome!
Don't get me wrong. I am absolutely exhausted by the end of the day,
But my days are rewarding.

Yesterday we enjoyed a fun activity at circle time.
We used a beach ball to throw to each child. When they caught it, they had to tell me something that was the shape of a circle! We had some awesome answers! From wheels on a car to raindrops! 

 I then gave them each a blue pipe leaner. We practiced making shapes with them. 
Then we made them into bracelets, in the shape of circles! This may seem small, but their 
Little hands and minds were working hard. Hand eye coordination and fine motor skills were being used!

We then went on a walk down the street. We were on a shape and color hunt for circles and the color blue! We found circles EVERYWHERE! The color blue was a little harder to find. 

Circles were on Mrs Melea's car:

On the fire hydrant down the road:
(We talked about how Adlyn's daddy was the fire chief and why we use these!)

The newspaper in the neighbor's driveway had a blue plastic cover! We talked about why 
It had a cover on it:

Even the meter in Mrs Robyn's yard had the most circles on it!

The kids loved going for a walk and pointing out all the circles and blue things! 

Today we used our smart tv to look up our numbers, letters, and some cool videos on the color blue and the circle shape. This is probably my older kids' favorite way to learn!

Their favorite is the "number song". It has a great beat that you can't help but dance to!

I hope your days are as glorious as ours! 
By the way, every morning we say a prayer, thanking God for 
Our sweet family and friends. That means YOU!

Most of all let love guide your life. Col.3:14

With Love, Mrs Melea

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