Thursday, August 21, 2014

Fun With Shaving Cream!

Happy Thursday!
Another great day at preschool!
Little Miss Cadyn was my special helper today!
At Circle Time, we read a great Manners book.
The kids referenced the book off and on all day.
Made me proud!
We decided to do something a little different today!
We wrote our names in
The kids absolutely LOVED it!
See for yourself: 

To be honest,
I have seen this activity a gazillion times
and I have never been brave enough to try it.
I had nightmares of shaving cream in eyes and such.
The kids proved me wrong!
They were excellent!
This will definitely be something we do more of!
To end this post,
look at who smiled so stinkin' big for the camera!
Mr. Edward.
We love because he first loved us.
1 John 4:19
With Love, Mrs.Melea

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