Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday Fun.

What a fun, low key day.
Mrs Yvonne came to visit!
Do you see our big smiles?
We laughed all morning!
Mrs's Yvonne's manners topic was on 
burping and tooting today. 
The kids got a kick out of Mrs Yvonne saying the word toot!
I was laughing so hard, I was crying! Fun times.
By the way, you should "swallow" your burps and excuse
 yourself from company  if you need to toot.
 Perfect advice!

We are working on the letter P this week.
Playdough starts with P!
William brought homemade playdough that
his sister helped him make, so we brought out ours!
We made all kinds of things! 

Fun day! 
We hope your was great too!
With Love, Mrs Melea

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