Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Little Monster Truck Talk.

We have missed Ms Yvonne!
With all the ice and snow,
it seemed like we hadn't seen her in ages!
Ms Yvonne requested that Eli & Evan
share their Monster Jam Experience
with the class this week.
They were happy to oblige.
Eli kept talking about them "flipping over".
Ms Yvonne just loved his story telling.

We had to make sure and get a Manners Lesson in, though.
Whining was the topic of the lesson today.

We looked up their awesome pictures of
the Monster Jam on Facebook
and talked about the ear muffs
and all the cool stuff that went with it.

It was a nice change of pace.
Great idea, Ms Yvonne!

Thanks for sharing your fun with us, Eli & Evan!
Clap your hands, all you nations;
Shout to God with cries of joy.
Psalm 47:1
With Love, Mrs Melea

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