Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Fall Photo-shoot.

Fall is definitely in the air.
We just love this tree behind the house.
We decided to go play in it's leaves this morning.

How lucky are we to be given
these "gifts" everyday?
By "gifts" I mean trees
 that change colors so beautifully.
A sunset and sunrise every morning.
Beautiful skies and landscape.
God must really love us.

Ms Yvonne came today!
We practiced our Trick or Treating Manners!
Always say
Thank You.
I also told the kids that Ms Yvonne received an award!
Did you know that she is
Green Forest Chamber of Commerce
Well deserved.
She has spent years serving in our community.
Something we all should do more of. 
Ms Yvonne ROCKS!
I am so glad I had my camera handy
when Adria went straight up to
Ms Yvonne for a sweet hug.
This is how much we love her.

And last but not least,
a little craft for the upcoming
Halloween Holiday:

Halloween Fun Day tomorrow!
What are you dressing up as??
Do everything in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14
With Love,
Mrs Melea

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