Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Swampland at Preschool!

Another fun morning of water play!
The boys found SWAMPLAND in the back yard!
There were alligators and snakes trying to get them!

Of course, they just ran over them with their
"big trucks" and "fast boats"!

I don't think Beckett even stepped foot out of the water today!
He is a little fish!

Eli ran AT LEAST 10 miles around the playground
with his dump truck in tow!

Now these girls have it all figured out!
They relaxed in our make shift hot tub.
They are so funny.
No boys allowed.
"They splash too much."
I would have to agree.

What simple fun.
We could learn a few things from these kiddos.
Be content with what you have.
One of my favorite phrases to say
to my own kids is:
"Have fun where ever you're at".
Make it fun.
Fun can be found anywhere.
Life is oh so good.
May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face shine on us...
Psalm 67:1
With Love, Mrs. Melea

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