Tuesday, December 25, 2012

December Birthdays.

Happy Birthday to these sweet kiddos!
Beckett turned 4 this month!
Gollee! Isn't he handsome?!
Love him! 
We celebrated with some yummy iced cookies!
I hope you had a wonderful day!
Love you, big guy!
This BEAUTIFUL little lady turned ONE!
Pure sweetness. 

Isn't she precious?
Happy Birthday sweet Brooklyn!

She had some sweet cupcakes too!

TODAY is actually Mr Roper's birthday!
He is 5 years old!
I cannot believe it.
I started watching this little guy when he
was just a baby.
It makes me so sad to think about him going to
kindergarten. He is absolutely precious.

Happy Birthday, Roper!
I hope your day was wonderful!

Blow out the candles!
He brought a pretty sweet cupcake-cake, too!
The next pictures are for his momma.
This is Roper to a "T"!

I love all my little kiddos
and I love it when they have a birthday!
A very special day,
just for them!
With Love,
Ms Melea

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