Monday, September 10, 2012

Yay for Monday!

What a wonderful day!
We started out with a little review of our squares:

We then had some art time outside!
That was super fun!

Something a little different to break up the day.

Gavin decided to join them!

If you are looking for Miss Adria,
she is probably in the dirt!

She was grabbing her wagon to take back to the dirt.
I love it.
A sweet mixture of dirt and pretty.
Watch out when she is 16!

Look at this bunch!
Let me tell ya,
this is trouble!
X 4!
No, they are super sweet.

We are LOVING today's weather!

And this little girl was snoozing while I was snapping
pics, so I found a sweet one from the archives:
Here are a few pictures from last week:
Ms Misti built her kids a tent during the rain.
They loved every minute of it!
Vivi grabbed the coloring books and crayons
during the rainy weather...

Hudson and Becket built a big train track:

Mattie built the world's tallest tower!

I hope your weekend was great!
I heard about the kids' weekend.
Lots of horse stories!
I told them I was afraid of horses....and cows.
This girl is not much of an animal lover.
Did anyone else see this BEAUTIFUL cloud
on Friday afternoon?
It was so pretty.
It didn't even look real?
Have a blessed week!
With Love,
Ms Melea

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