Sunday, July 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Tead and Mattie!

This handsome little boy turned 5 Friday!
For such a little guy, he has a HUGE heart.

His mom made this super cool cupcake cake!
It looks like a race car!

How awesome!
All the kids were OBSESSED with it!
It was super yummy too!
Thanks, Crystal!
Happy Birthday, Tead!
This sweet little girl turned 6 on Friday!
We celebrated earlier in the week!
Miss Mattie, I hope your day was as special as you are!
I love you! 
I love them both so very much!

We spent a lot of time inside this past week.
The temps were over 100 degrees!
Sweet kids.
We sure missed Miss Misti this week.
I'm pretty sure she enjoyed her week off, though!
A huge thank you to Kassie and Nancy for filling in!
You two are GREAT!

We did a neat little craft on Monday to
celebrate the 4th of July:

The kids always love getting their hands dirty
with paint!
Happy Birthday, America!

With Love,
Ms Melea

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