Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Two Days Worth of Happenings!:)

We had a great last 2 days!

Here are some pics from yesterday:

We played some games.

Painted some Alligator crafts for the letter Aa.

We stepped outside while it was raining to check out
the swamp in our back yard!

We played with a beautiful baby girl!

And even some handsome little boys!

We played some fun games with Gavin's daddy.

Gavin LOVES his daddy.

Everyone else does too!
He plays with them until they just about
pee their pants!

It's because he is a big kid himself!
I can say that, he is my brother!

Kasen is always bringing some cool theme related
toys and books!
Yesterday he brought Amber the Ambulance
fot the letter Aa!
Great job Kasen!

We even played Mr Potato Heads...


We have had a WONDERFUL day today, as well.

Ms Yvonne came and hung out with us!
She informed me that she lives to see these kids
each week. We LOVE her!

You will NEVER guess who is READING!
Emma is!
Great job, Emma!
Here she is with her favorite book to read:

She even read to Ms Yvonne!

Look at this big guy:
He informed me that he put his clothes on
Woo Hoo Roper!
So proud of you!

Here Vivi is wearing her APRON,
while she cooks something good to eat:
APRON starts with the letter A!

Little Sweetie Zakary...
he found some fun toys to play with too!

Roper and Grady were taking the counting bears on a train ride!

Sweet cousins, Lily and Brayden were playing so good together!

Handsome little Kasen!
What a good boy!
He loves to play with the blocks!

The boys were building a fort for their train tack...

I saw Vivi with her little leg crossed and feeding that baby
pony, I knew I had to get a picture!
Sweet girl!

Cutie Pie Lily playing with the boat and garage stuff:

The little guys did a project today on the letter A as well!

Great Job!

Sweet Baby Gavin:

at preschool!

So much for Eli wanting to take a morning snooze:
His cousin and friends wanted him up to play!

While I fixed lunch,
I got the car rug out and the kids had a blast!
Brayden shared all of his
little cars!
Great Job Brayden!

We hope your week has been at least
HALF as good as ours!

PS, By the way, Kaitlin & Kodee and all the
Sr High Lady Tigers are BLOWING
the socks of their competitors!
Their first game ended with them
winning by 50 Points! The second game, they
won by 30 something, and last night they won their
3rd game against Bergman by about 13!
It was a very intense game!

Also, please disregard anything you have heard about
me being a little "rowdy" during the ballgames.
That is NOT Ms Melea the preschool teacher-
that is Momma Melea.
There is a difference.

With Love,
Ms Melea

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