Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Sweet Gavin!

Wow! A year ago today? You are such a BIG boy!

Yes, I guess I am kinda partial to this little guy.
Not that I love him anymore than the others....
But he IS my nephew!

And he is exactly 1 year old!
Yay Gavin!

Love this boy.

Today concluded our Back to School Week!

We started off with another movie from the Leap Frog Series,
The Talking Words Factory!
Zakary picked it out...

Kasen was my extra special helper today!
He has been my #1 helper all day!
Thanks for your help Kasen!

He is holding the awesome book we read this morning,
I Am Too Absolutely Small for School.
Its about a little girl who is SURE that school is not for her!
After much coaxing, her brother finally makes her realize that

Every Friday we will be doing our handwriting.
We always write our names and some words or letters
that pertain to that week.

One on one.

Here are the kids working hard-







And Miss Vivian.

At this point, my camera battery is running low!

I tried to get a quick shot of the little guys!
Excuse the burrines!

And then- right before I get pics of the babies, Gavin and Eli.
It dies.
Of course it does.

So here is a sweet picture of a sweet baby , who I did not get to photograph today!
So sorry Eli!

With Love,
Miss Melea

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