Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Tead, Mattie, AND Ms Kathy!!!!

It is a Birthday PALOOZA!

These sweet people have birthdays today:
Miss Mattie, Tead, and Ms Kathy!

Yes, I totally creeped Miss Kathy's Facebook,
copied a picture AND cropped it just for my blog!
I thought it was a great picture of her though?
Creepy? Ok, maybe a little.
Sorry Kathy!
Mattie brought some super cute cupcakes to share!
Ms Kathy brought some ice cream cups, and Tead
brought some Capri Sun to drink!
Time to PARTY!

The birthday boy and girls' welcome signs this morning.

After breakfast, we put our swimsuits on in a hurry.
We wanted to be able to jump right into the pool after our work!
So, we read our book first.
(I have NO idea why it is sideways?!)
The Gingerbread Cowboy.
The kids love the books that have a CD that narrarates the story.
Michele, did I spell narrarates right?
Or is it even a word?

Anyway, they sat super good and listened to the story.

Then we colored a picture of cowboy boots.
They were just like the boots the Gingerbread Cowboy wore!
We then practiced our name at the bottom.

They all worked really well!

They knew as soon as they got done,

they got to go swimming!

And play on the slip n slide Tatum got us!

Great Work kids!

Swim Time!

Golleeee, isnt he handsome?!

The big kids were inside "hanging out".
Rhett informed me that he DOES NOT play anymore.
He hangs out.

Also, Mr Lane did not get his picture made today!
He came in a little after my photo shoot!
So- apologies to Lane and his mom and dad!
I will make it up to you!

I hope your day has been wonderful!
I wanted to say a quick thank you to all of you who came and supported our family's firework stand!
Some of the kids told me you stopped by and I wasn't there when you did- so a HUGE
We met our goal. Just remind me a year from now to say
NO! to the fireworks stand!

With Love, Miss Melea

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