Tuesday, April 26, 2011

U is for Umbrella...

We made umbrellas today!
How ironic, considering the weather the past few days!
The kids are always ready to paint!

Miss Kathy's class made their own umbrellas!
No paint today-
they practiced their gluing techniques!

I thought they looked great hanging from the ceiling!
What do you think?

Reese made an awesome structure during free time.
He wanted to make sure I captured it with a photo!
Great job, Reese!

The sun DID come out for a split second today!
I saw it! I promise!
Hope your day has been great!
Ours has!

With Love, Miss Melea

*Apologies to Mattie! Her picture didn't upload today!GRRRR! I will make it up to you!:(

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