Tuesday, March 29, 2011

R is for Rainbow!

Rain Rain Go Away!

This has been a weird day!
You know how somedays just feel different?

I haven't been on my "game" as far as picture taking today!
And some of the pictures I did take, the blog didn't upload!
So....if your child's picture is not here today,
I apologize.

Reese was my special helper!
He picked 2 friends to help him hold the books we read.
Noah's Ark,
Rain Rain Go Away,
and Rain.
All 3 great choices due to the weather today!
Here are our awesome rainbows that the kids loved making..
and EATING!  

Kasen brought the movie Ratatouille, in honor
of the letter R! Thanks Kasen!
You ROCK! 

I have a GREAT group of parents! I mean it! No brown nosing, I promise! Thanks so much for your support and thoughtfulness! You guys ROCK too!

With Love, Miss Melea

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