Monday, March 14, 2011

It's All About the Letter P!

What a great day we have had!
We are learning about the letter P.
We are also learning the # 16.

Here are the boys with the totally
awesome animal book about PENGUINS!
There is also a chapter on POLAR BEARS!
They LOVE to learn about animals!
Here is my special helper, Lane, doing the letter board.
After circle time and our books, we did some writing.
Here is Tead and Tamika working super hard.

I went to check up on Kathy's class.
Kasen and Hudson were watching Scooby Dooby Doo.
Cadyn is holding the two P books Miss Kathy read to the kids.

And Mr Gavin was just chillin'!

After lunch, we watched Scamper the Penguin.
Tamika brought a movie to share, but she thought she would
like to watch this one instead!
We did have a great morning. We tried a new reward system. It worked really well. I am hoping it will last! The cold and rain make it hard for ANYONE to behave!

Hope your weekend was great! I enjoyed it with my sister and getting some MUCH needed cleaning and laundry done!

With  Love, Miss Melea

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