Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Small Group, Cocomation, and a Crafty K!

I think the Lord knew we needed some down time.
The hustle and bustle of Christmas, New Year's resolutions, and in my case, BASKETBALL.
Therefore, God created SNOW DAYS!
 Love. Snow. Days.

Here is the cutie pies that came and hung out with me and Kathy today!
No snow day is complete with out HOT COCOA.
A BIG THANK YOU to Dane's momma!
She loaned us this super cool cocoa machine!

Tamika is cooling down her cocoa....
Tamika went home with a fever right after this picture!
We hope you feel better, Tamika!
We love you!

Monday, we made these super cool K's to hang from our ceiling!
Complete with hearts for Valentine's Day!
 We hope your day has been wonderful!
The snow has been great- but I have to say,
I am missing my the rest of the kiddos!

Stay warm!
With Love, Miss Melea

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