Monday, October 25, 2010

Magnificent Monday!

Today is the start of our Halloween Week! We started out with a "kinda" scary story about 2 little skeleton friends. It was called the Skeleton and the Mummy. This is Trinity, my special helper today, and the others with their "scared" faces. Some of the kids couldn't distinguish "scared" face and "scary" face! haha!
Here the kids are making their pumpkins! We are learning about the color orange this week!
Brayden's finished pumpkin hanging from the ceiling! Great Job!
 After school, we played outside. Here are the little guys just hanging out. Aren't they sweet?!!
Love. these. kids.

Breakfast: Frosted Flakes with milk, and apple juice to drink
Lunch: Hot dogs, Macaroni & Cheese, carrots and grapes
Snack: Tortilla chips and salsa

~With Love, Miss Melea~

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