Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another Wonderful Wednesday!

Another great day at preschool! We painted today! The kids absolutely love to paint!

Look- I have proof that your kids really DO sit still (every once and awhile!)

Miss Yvonne came today and shared her Clifford book on Manners with us! We were super good, we ate some skittles and Miss Melea gave us a sticker! Good job!
 The little guys enjoyd another book with Ms Kathy!
 This is Grady's favorite spot in the whole place!
 Wouldn't you love to have this hug EVERYDAY!
Breakfast: choice of cereal with milk and apple juice to drink
Lunch: Grilled cheese, cheetohs, cucumbers with ranch, and applesauce
Snack: toast and jelly with strawberry milk

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