We have had a pretty lazy day. The rain makes our playground not so much fun. One word: mud. Another word to go along with mud: kids. 13 of them. Are you picturing it? so we played inside today after school time. Miss Kathy had the movie Ice Age on- for those scragglers that just wanted to rest- and I was surprised to see alot of the kids just being kind of lazy today. It was nice.
I then prepared some lunch. Ham and cheese sandwiches, noodles, carrot sticks with ranch, and grapes and a big glass of cold milk. I think they love lunch. Almost as much as recess!
Hudson. Sweet boy, Good boy. Love. Him.
Kasen decided to make his own dinner (which he wouldn't eat after making it haha!). Mmmmm A la Kasen:
Sweetie pie. Love Love him,
Tead licked his bowl clean- and his plate. and his milk cup. He's such a good eater! Yay Tead! Love him too!
Lily eats like such a lady. It might take her a little longer to eat because she always uses her manners: Precious. I <3 Lily.
Reese wouldn't eat his carrots. This is what he thinks of them: Love it. Love him.
They are a mess. A good mess. A lovely mess.
We were so proud of Cadyn! We thought she had eaten all of her noodles....until.....we took the high chair tray off- it was ALL in her lap! Couldn't help but laugh! Should've took a picture! Precious baby:
Vivi's picture loaded funny??? She saw me snapping photos of the others so I needed to watch her "trick" with her noodles. Okay! Okay! Not only will I watch your super cool awesome trick with your noodles- I will snap a photo of you doing it!:) Great trick. Great little girl. Love. Love. Her.
Sweetie pie Grady. He always has this precious smile. He is such a happy little boy. Pinchable cheeks. Love you Grady!
Mattie, my special helper today, is just beautiful. Look at those eyes:
Silly Levi! He is so funny! Great looking kid. Love him!

Only Brayden could turn his carrot into a gun! haha! Love this little boy so much!
Trinity. Cutie Patootie. She's gorgeous. Super Smart. Almost too smart. Smarter than me. For sure. Love her.
This face says it all. Lane. Goofy. Handsomely goofy. But cool at the same time. Love him to pieces.
Crazy Kids. I've said it before and I will say it again. These faces are the reason why we come to work.
With Love, Miss Melea