Monday, September 20, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday!

I love that song!
Mr Lane was my very special helper today!This week we are learning about the color YELLOW and the DIAMOND shape. We focused on one of my favorite YELLOW things- the SUN! I knew the perfect book to read, The Itsy Bitsy Spider! Here is Trinity holding our super awesome book: We worked hard on our Itsy Bitsy Spider Puppets:

Here is Tatum with her finished project! She was the FIRST one done! Yay Tatum!

After class time, we went outside to play. It sure was warm for an early fall day! Here is Cadyn being catered to by Roper. He was trying to put her shoe on!

Then Big Brother decided to take her for a spin:

Here are some cuties cooling off in the shade:

Best Buds Forever.......
Here is our menu for today:
~Breakfast: Pop tarts with banana and milk
~Lunch: Ham and Cheese Sandwiches, Cheese Puffs, mandarin oranges, and carrot sticks with ranch dressing
~Snack: Cupcakes with Fruit Punch have something on your chin.....hahaha! Love her!
Hope your day has been GRAND! Ours has been!
~Love, Miss Melea~

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