Welcome to Preschool, Levi and Trinity!

We are so happy to welcome Levi and Trinity! This is their first day at Giggles & Grins! So far I think they have had a wonderful day!
We are so happy to welcome Levi and Trinity! This is their first day at Giggles & Grins! So far I think they have had a wonderful day!
Breakfast: Cereal with milk, apple juice
Lunch: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, wavy potato chips, carrot sticks with ranch dressing, and
Snack: Teddy Grahams with chocolate milk
This is our first week back to SCHOOL! We always start off the year by learning our names. How to spell it, how to write it, how to recognize it, why we have it, etc. Today we started off by recognizing our names. In both classes (preschool and under 2's) we had a print out of each child's name and they had to go and pick their name. They all did very well! The under 2's will be working really hard on finding their names this week and learning how to spell it. Work with them at home too! The preschool class had a puzzle to do. I had each child's name printed on paper and I cut the letters out individually. They had to put each letter in order to spell their name! They did great! They loved the idea of it being a "puzzle"!! The preschool class then got some one on one time with Miss Melea as we practiced writing our names. After we finished up with our school work- we went outside for as long as we could stand it! Then we headed inside to cool off and play. Pretty soon, it was lunch time! The rest of the day is filled with rest time and play time!
We hope your day was as good as ours!
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