Friday, April 9, 2010

Writing, Writing, and MORE Writing!

Thursdays and Fridays are our writing days! I bring each child up individually and we work on our handwriting skills. Just one on one- me and them. It takes a little extra time- but it is so worth it! The kids not only need the one on one attention- but they are more attentive and want to do it correctly! D'jini has beautiful handwriting! She always has a pencil and a pad of paper in her hands! You can tell that her practice pays off by the picture above! Good job D'jini!

Yesterday we had cereal for breakfast, spaghetti for lunch, and a cookie for snack. Today we had pancakes for breakfast, pizza for lunch, and oreos for snack. We usually don't have that many cookies in one week- much less 2 days in a row! Oh well- sometimes it just works out that way!

We are so enjoying the sunshine! Thank the Lord for bringing it to us!

Please remember the preschool yard sale May 13th & 14th and preschool graduation is May 29th!
Thanks again for being wonderful parents! We love and appreciate you!

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