Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fabulous Thursday.

We have had a lovely day!
We started off with a good ol' bible story.
The kids loved Noah.
They totally rocked the comprehension
questions I gave them at the end.
Proud teacher moment.
Superb handwriting.
They are killing it today!
We did this as a one on one project.
They love having one on one time with me.
So cute.

I like to think they just love spending time with me....
but it could be these skittles that
they get after they do their work.
Can't say I blame them.
They are yummy.
One for me,
One for them.
One for me,
One for them.

We went outside early,
while it was cool out.
Loving this early morning weather.
I have been doing my jogging
in it and it is so refreshing.
Gavin caught a grasshopper today.
He was very protective over the little critter.
There may have been some elbows thrown.
Just sayin'.

I am sure you are aware
that kids learn so much through playing.
Although I believe a little structured
learning time is extremely important,
you can't have too much free time.
This builds their social skills,
large motor skills, and gets all that
energy out in a positive way.
Super important.

After looking back through some of my last few blogs,
you probably wonder, "do they even play with TOYS?"
Ummm.... Yes.
And we know how to do it right!
I keep this type of play very structured.
We bring the bins of toys out
during free time.
Then they are all picked up and put away.
This way everything is nice and
I love that word.
But when the toys are out,
things are far from clean, haha.

Lots of fun.
I would like to announce that
So proud of this boy.
And guess what I found in our garage
as we were organizing?
My sign from the "old preschool"!
The kids were happy to see it.
It is now on our back patio.

I hope your day has been as wonderful as ours!
I praise you because
I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14
With Love, Mrs. Melea

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mind Your Manners.

We were SO happy to have
Ms Yvonne back with us today!
We have missed her dearly!
Please and thank you
were the topic today.
Good stuff.

We made a sunshine out of circles and triangles.
We REALLY love to glue.
I mean REAAAALLLY love to glue.
They may or may not use a WHOLE
glue stick on one project.
And oh yeah,
Did I mention my baby girls moved
into their own apartment?
Miss them.
Not their laundry.....
but I miss them.

My momma is kicking cancer's butt.
So proud of her.
One strong woman right here,
and a pretty special guy with her.
Love them both.

And I am so excited to watch this little team
in their first 7th grade game tomorrow night.
#16 has my heart.
He's pretty cute.

Hope all is well with you, lovelies!
In honor of my momma,
I will leave you with this verse:
The Lord will fight for you;
you need only to be still.
Exodus 14:14
With Love, Mrs. Melea