~I am getting a little tired of that word. Are you?! We just KNEW there would be rain today- so we fed our little guys' bellies full of waffles and milk and headed outside. There were mud puddles and water EVERYWHERE! Which makes it that much more fun! We dug in the rocks, we slid down the slide, we even played chase! It feels so good to be outside!
~For lunch we had grilled cheese sandwiches, Lays potato chips, applesauce, and green beans! All with a big glass of milk!
~ After lunch, we got settled in for our nap. We had borrowed several movies from the library on our last trip there- so I put in one of those- Elmo's World. It didnt take us long to dose off!
~ We will have Gogurt and graham crackers for snack- then have some free time inside- since the weather isn't looking too promising!
Hope your day was as good as ours!:)